The Pastoral Care committee at St. Andrew’s provides physical, spiritual and emotional support to our Church family. Please contact Patti Johnson if we can assist you or a family member. Patti can be reached by e-mail at Patti Johnson
Chariots of God
The transportation ministry, “Chariots of God,” arranges transportation to medical appointments and can help pick up and deliver groceries and prescriptions. We have a wonderful group of volunteers that have provided rides for appointments to Norfolk, Chesapeake, Elizabeth City and Greenville, as well as locally. If you’re interested in helping or have a need for transportation, please contact the church office at (252) 441-5382.
Eucharistic Visits and Meal Ministry
Recovering from an illness or medical procedure can be tough. If you can’t make it to regular service, you can request a eucharistic visit. And the meal ministry can help provide some meals while you focus on recovery.